Linux – Create Ubuntu Installation Flash Drive on Mac (balenaEtcher)
You can use the tool belenaEtcher to create a bootable installation flash drive for Ubuntu.
You can use the tool belenaEtcher to create a bootable installation flash drive for Ubuntu.
Configuring Networking at the command line in Linux can be confusing. It’s important to know that you use many different application to manage networking and these applications may be different based on your distribution or […]
UFW is a simple firewall application that is included with Ubuntu nd can be installed on other distributions of Linux. Note: For the demonstrations to work you may need to change settings or hardware configurations […]
FTP allows you to upload, download files and perform basic file and directory tasks. FTP is a technology not a single product so there are numerous pieces of server and client software that can be […]
SSH allows you to remotely administer Linux Servers SSH is a Client/ Server System. SSH requires Port 22 to be accessible Change Network setting in VirtualBox to “Bridged Adapter” Install OpenSSH Server on your Linux […]
Cron Jobs are automated tasks that you can create in Linux to do such things as delete cache files or run antivirus scans. You simply set when you want the task to run and then […]
Tarballs are Compressed Archive Files of Folders that are useful when moving folders and making sure all contents stay intact. In the name tarball “tar” stands for the archiving, and “ball” stands for the compression. […]
The commands chown and chmod allow you to change permissions and ownership of files and folders, but you also need to know the membership of groups to make sure permissions and ownership is appropriate. View […]
Linux Permissions are much more simple than what is provided in Windows Active Directory. You have 3 permission types that you can apply to 3 groups. The permissions are Read, Write and Execute which can […]
Top is the built in Task Manager for the Linux CLI. It can be a powerful and complex tool, but most people only need it for simple tasks. top – starts top sudo top – […]
There are 3 ways to manage services on Ubuntu Linux. Systemd is considered the “right” way as of now, but using the service command and init.d scripts still work. When. you make changes to configuration […]
Managing folders is much like managing files in Linux. Just remember to use the -r option (recursive) for copying and deleting. Make Directory mkdir newfolder – Creates a folder called folder Rename Directory mv newfolder […]
Renaming, moving, copying, and deleting files in Linux command line is easy. Renaming files uses the same command as move. As an administrator if you do not own the files you are interacting with you […]
Managing Groups in Linux is relatively simple. It’s important to realize Linux users, groups and permissions are much simpler than in Windows Server. Group Configuration File sudo vim /etc/group – opens Group configuration file in […]
Managing Users on Linux systems is very easy. Add Users sudo adduser username – adds users Additional profile information is not required, but a comment is a good idea. Delete Users sudo deluser username – […]
To find files and configurations in Linux you can use the find and whereis commands. Whereis who’s you the folders where data for applications are stored. Find allows you to search for files and folders […]
Installing software on Linux is very easy using the apt-get command. Using sudo apt-get install apache2 your server will download Apache2, and install it without you needing media. Note: Debian distributions of Linux use apt-get […]
Vim is a text editor that is included with Ubuntu that allows you to modify configuration files. To Create a Text File Simply type vim filename Capitalization matters. test.txt, Test.txt, and TEST.TXT are different […]
In order to do many tasks you have to escalate your privileges using the “sudo” command. This is like UAC in Windows. The idea is that to make major changes to the OS there is […]
Navigating through the folder structure in Linux is easy if you know a few commands. A major issue for many technicians is that Linux cares about capitalization (FOLDER != folder), and using / with the […]
The UX for Linux can cause fits of laughter for all of the wrong reasons. Even the tools that are offered to help users can be frustrating to use and understand. We will go over […]
Installing Ubuntu Desktop in VirtualBox gives techs the ability to learn Linux with a GUI. Hardware Requirements In general I would recommend your host computer has 16GB of RAM and an SSD. 8GB of RAM, […]
Installing Ubuntu Server into VirtualBox gives you the ability to create a lab environment without needing multiple physical machines. Hardware Requirements In general I would recommend your host computer has 16GB of RAM and an […]
VirtualBox is an Open Source, Free for all use virtual hypervisor that runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and… Solaris. It is a good tool for using to learn Linux. Download VirtualBox: Hardware Requirements You […]
In Linux you can use numerous shells and Desktop Environments in order to interact with your system. Shells and Desktop Environments Shells are the software you use to directly interact with the operating system. Generally […]
Everyone knows that Linux is “Open Source”! But what does that really mean? Open Source means different things to different people, and more importantly there are different licenses that are covered under the Open Source […]
Finding the best distribution of Linux for your personal use and for your organization is important. As with much in the tech world you should be thinking more about what questions to answer rather than […]
When using Linux it’s important to understand that “Linux” is not a single Operating System. GNU/Linux is built buy using numerous different applications. Over the years technicians have customized the applications and feel that they […]
Understanding Linux is a must in the modern world as a technology professional. Whether you’re building IoT projects, or simply managing websites Linux will many times be your go to operating system of choice. What […]