PHP Project (Intermediate) – Photo Gallery Search by Tags

In this project we build the ability to search for images based on Tags stored in MySQL.

Previous Classes in Series:

  1. PHP Project (Simple) – Dynamic Photo Gallery Stream
  2. PHP Project (Simple) – Dynamic Photo Gallery
  3. PHP Project (Simple) – Image Upload App
  4. PHP Project (Intermediate) – Photo Gallery with MySQL Backend
  5. PHP Project (Intermediate) – Edit Picture Data in Gallery with MySQL Backend


  • Basic LAMP, or Web Server Administration 
    • Verify pictures and folder have READ/WRITE permission for OTHER
  • Basic PHP
  • Basic HTML
  • Basic MySQL



LAMP Server

  • Create a “pics” directory in the Public Web Directory (/var/www/html)
  • Verify pictures and folder have at least a rw- permission.


  • Location on demo system: /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
  • Set File Uploads to: file_uploads = On


        <link rel="stylesheet" href="galleryStyle.css" />

<div class="menuBar">
    <a href="./uploadFormDB.html">Upload Pictures for Database</a><br>
    <form action="gallerySearch.php" method="post">
    Search Tags <input type="text" name="searchTag">
    <input type="submit">




$servername = "localhost";
$username = "pic_user";
$password = "123456";
$db = "gallery";

$conn = new mysqli($servername,$username,$password,$db);

if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection Error: ").$conn->connect_error;

$sql = "select pic_id, pic_name, pic_description, pic_tags FROM pictures";

$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0 ){
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $imgNumber = $row['pic_id'];
        $imgSrc = $row['pic_name'];
        $imgDescription =$row['pic_description'];
        $imgTags = $row['pic_tags'];
        echo "<div class='pictureBox'><br>Pic #".$imgNumber." <br>Pic Name: ".$imgSrc."<br>Pic Description: ".$imgDescription."<br> Pic Tags: ".$imgTags."<br><a href='./galleryEditDB.php?picNumber=".$imgNumber."'>Edit</a><br><img src='".$imgSrc."'><br><br></div><br><br>";
} else {
    echo "0 Results";





        <link rel="stylesheet" href="galleryStyle.css" />

<div class="menuBar">
    <a href="./uploadFormDB.html">Upload Pictures for Database</a><br>
    <form action="gallerySearch.php" method="post">
    Search Tags <input type="text" name="searchTag">
    <input type="submit">




$searchTags = $_POST['searchTag'];

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "pic_user";
$password = "123456";
$db = "gallery";

$conn = new mysqli($servername,$username,$password,$db);

if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection Error: ").$conn->connect_error;

$sql = "select pic_id, pic_name, pic_description, pic_tags FROM pictures where pic_tags like'%$searchTags%'";

$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0 ){
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $imgNumber = $row['pic_id'];
        $imgSrc = $row['pic_name'];
        $imgDescription =$row['pic_description'];
        $imgTags = $row['pic_tags'];
        echo "<div class='pictureBox'><br>Pic #".$imgNumber." <br>Pic Name: ".$imgSrc."<br>Pic Description: ".$imgDescription."<br> Pic Tags: ".$imgTags."<br><a href='./galleryEditDB.php?picNumber=".$imgNumber."'>Edit</a><br><img src='".$imgSrc."'><br><br></div><br><br>";
} else {
    echo "0 Results";





.menuBar {
    position: sticky;
    top: 0px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: lightgrey;


.pictureBox {
    position: relative;
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 50%;
    height: auto;
    border: 2px solid lightgrey;
    border-radius: 25px;

img {
    width: 100%;

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