MySQL is a useful and widely used open source database
- A Database Software stores data so that it is easily accessible
- Relational Databases store Like Data in Tables and those Tables are then
How to get MySQL
- The Community Version is FREE and Opensource –
- MariaDB is a fork of MySQL that is a drop in replacement –
- For both MySQL and MAriaDB some features are behind a paywall subscription
Why Use MySQL
- Back end for WordPress, ZDrupal many apps
- Available on Hosting Plans
- Easy, and well known
How to use MySQL
- Command line – MySQL has a command line interface
- Front End – Phpmyadmin offers a GUI front end for MySQL Administration
- Coding _ languages like PHP allow to write code to interact with the database
SQL – Structured Query Language
- SQL is the language you use to communicate with the database
- SELECT * FROM Users = Retrieve ALL Records from Table named USERS
- SELECT Name,Age FROM Users ORDER BY Age = Retrieve Name and Age Values from Users Table and Sort by Age
- w3schools –
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